

Artecoll. lee más

The most advanced technology for complete and final elimination of wrinkles, facial folds filling and lip augmentation.

Treatment of wrinkles and other skin defects

Wrinkle formation occurs, in most cases, because the fiber support of the skin, collagen breaks down. Wrinkles, creases and other defects of the skin can be treated in various ways, but most of these correction possibilities have been quite limited. Injection of natural collagen in the skin seems to be very effective, but collagen is absorbed quickly by the body, and therefore wrinkles reappear.

What is artecoll?

Artecoll is an injectable collagen that have been aggregated microspheres (PMMA) and 50 years PMMA is used in the medical field, for example, contact lenses, valves, and bone cement.

Artecoll was developed by plastic surgeon Dr. Gottfried Lemperle German teacher for several years and is being marketed by International Medical Rofil worldwide with resounding success.

Artecoll the results in treating defects or blemishes are immediate application is colorless, simple and fast. Artecoll has the approval of the European Community (EC) and is registered and approved by the Mexican Ministry of Health.

How artecoll works?

After application on the skin by a very thin needle, wrinkles and other skin defects, are filled directly from the mixture of natural collagen and the small spheres of methacrylate. The collagen serves as vehicle and suspending methacrylate microspheres, which is slowly absorbed by the body, while it takes place in a natural way the formation of new connective tissue around each sphere. In one or two applications is obtained an excellent result in either removal of wrinkles, acne scars filling or other procedure.

In what cases can be used artecoll?

Artecoll is used with excellent results:

  • Lip augmentation.
  • Defining the lip contour.
  • Small flange lip wrinkles.
  • Filling nasolabial foldss.
  • Furrows brow and forehead.
  • Molded chin and cheekbones.
  • Acne scars.
  • Post-surgical nasal.
  • Other.

What has been the experience with the artecoll?

Artecoll applications are made by a Practitioner exclusively, and have treated more than a hundred thousand people both abroad and in our country.

After treatment with artecoll

Immediately after treatment, you can continue your normal rhythm of life, except medical contraindication. During the days after the application, the PMMA spheres are not yet fully fixed to the skin, which is why it is recommended that for a brief period, the treated area is not subjected to too much movement.

Do you know the side effects?

After application of Artecoll may appear some swelling and inflamed skin, but overall it lasts for 24-48 hours. In the first weeks after application. Artecoll can feel the touch for a short time. To grow new connective tissue hardness it disappears.

Do they even ask?

Your trusted physician to answer your questions with great pleasure. Artecoll is produced according to the strictest quality standards and is authorized in all countries of the European community.

Phone: 634-01-22 y 23  Fax:684-81-35
USA: (619) 906-86-40