

Laser. read more

For your beauty

You can improve your appearance permanently taken the advantages of laser technology.

What is Cutera ™, advanced hair and vein removal system?

It is the non-invasive laser device permanently removes body hair or unsightly varicose veins and tattoo removal. It is also indicated to eliminate certain skin blemishes such as those that cause age and sun.

Cutera ™ How does it work?

The laser beam penetrates the skin to destroy only the hair follicle or the vein.

Who can use laser?

Anyone wishing to eliminate excessive body hair or veins or varicose veins.

Do you feel any discomfort?

Depending on the pain threshold of each person could feel a small prick ligazo or so it does not require anesthetic.

What side effects are likely?

Are minimal and most are redness of the treated area that disappears within hours same.

How many treatments are required to completely remove the hair or veins?

The treatment of varicose veins is monthly and requires 2-3 sessions. Body hair due to their growth period, requires at least 3 treatments spaced one month to remove approximately 90% of the hair and the remaining 10% which may be in some cases is extremely thin, and can be removed in a fourth treatment.

What advantages can have Cutera over other devices on the market?

Without a doubt, we can say that the laser emits radiation CUTERA more accurate to treat hair and veins, and has fewer side effects because it can be used by people of any skin type.

When you return to everyday activities?

Immediately after treatment and is only recommended to use sunscreen.

How safe is it?

One of the few laser devices that are approved by the U.S. FDA.

Who applies the treatment?

This is applied by specialists in the field of beauty and has specialized training in laser treatment.

Tattoo treatment

The tattoos disappear in about 12 sessions spaced three weeks each.

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