Obesity Surgery

Dr. José Manuel Villicaña Hernández

Dr. José Manuel Villicaña Hernández
Bariatric and CEO

With over 10 years experience in obesity surgery, we have a specialized medical team prepared to offer the best quality of treatment and care.


Surgical procedure is performed in which a decrease in the size of the stomach of 70-80% full capacity, so as to cause restriction and early satiety, fullness in the patient feels very small amount of food, produces malnutrition, either an implant is necessary.


Surgical procedure restrictive and malabsorptive component, ie, limits the amount of food that can be ingested and also prevents ingested food are usually absorbed by the body. Weight loss is excellent in the first year, there is also improvement in weight-related diseases especially diabetes mellitus.


The safest procedure for a high-risk patient. A silicone ring designed to be placed by way of "belt" in the upper stomach, which can be adjusted when the patient ceases to lose weight, and thus, reach your ideal weight. This system divides the stomach into two parts, creates a small pouch with the band and reduces the stomach capacity. The major advantage of this procedure is that it can be adjusted after surgery as the needs of each patient.


With this procedure the normal digestive process changes to make the stomach smaller, allowing food to pass directly into the intestine so that fewer calories are absorbed. A mixed method, where besides being restrictive malabsorption occurs, which leads to rapid weight loss, but requires strict nutritional monitoring to prevent malnutrition.


It can be used to treat overweight or obese patient Leve, or treat important obese patients at risk of undergoing major surgery under anesthesia.

The balloon is inserted through an endoscope (via the mouth), and being inside is filled with saline.

The ball is a temporary procedure, only be used for 6 months. His retirement also performed endoscopically. The patient will experience a feeling of early satiety, since the ball occupies the most space in the stomach and less space is available to store food. The result is a lower feed intake and therefore weight loss.

All these procedures are extremely effective if you select the right patient, under the care of an experienced group. All patients are different, so results may vary from the surgical procedure carried out to patient compliance to treatment, the most important for success in weight loss and to avoid complications is tracking.

The cost of surgery depends on the procedure and all of our packages include:

• Stay in Hospital (depending on type of surgery performed).
• Pre-operative analysis s (labs, chest x-ray and electrocardiogram).
• Medical and Surgical Fees (including cardiological assessments, nutritional and psychological).
• Impleante Costs (if necessary).

Phone: 634-01-22 y 23  Fax:684-81-35
USA: (619) 906-86-40